The Power Foods Diet : The Breakthrough Plan That Traps, Tames, and Burns Calories for Easy and Permanent Weight Loss Dustin Harder, Lindsay S. Nixon, Neal D. Barnard, MD (Pre Order) (Event September 19)

Article number: 9781538764954
Availability: In stock (31)



This pre order secures you a book for the September 19th event with Dr. Neal Barnard in Michigan. 

Dr. Neal Barnard’s new diet and plan offers an evidence-based, food-as-medicine protocol for kickstarting weight loss and keeping it off.

Eat These Foods, Lose the Weight

Weight loss is one of our top health concerns, so much so that we keep looking for good ways to lose weight, preferably a way that is easy, effective, and permanent. It turns out that, when properly  chosen, certain foods cause weight loss, with no need for the deprivation and planning that most weight-loss regimens require.



Dr. Neal D. Barnard, MD, FACC, is a faculty member of the George Washington University School of Medicine and President of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. Dr. Barnard is editor-in-chief of the Nutrition Guide for Clinicians, a nutrition textbook given to all second year medical students in the U.S. He is also editor of Good Medicine, a magazine with a circulation of 150,000. He is the New York Times bestselling author of Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing DiabetesThe Get Healthy Go Vegan CookbookPower Foods for the BrainThe 21-Day Weight-Loss Kickstart, and most recently Your Body in Balance, among many others.

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